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Applied 11,938 vaccines applied at UNPHU

Mrs. Yolanda Reyna Romero with her son Dr. Leonel Fernández

11,938 vaccines against COVID -19 applied up to date at the Vaccination Center at Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Urena (UNPHU) to persons over 70 years old and professors of MINERD. 

From the last Thursday February 25 all staff of Public Health (MSP), advanced students and volunteers of the University participated working hardly in scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p. m. 

Today assisted to the vaccination process Doctor Leonel Fernandez Reyna, with his mother Mrs. Yolanda Rayna Romero. 

Dr. Leonel Fernández with his mother, Mrs. Yolanda Reyna Romero.

The vaccination process is held on Building IV and the applied vaccine is SINOVAC. 

Aged man receiving his vaccine.
UNPHU students at the beginning of the day.
Mr. José Ramón Holguín Brito receiving his vaccine.

UNPHU encourages those who assist to cooperate in maintaining the order and social distancing and the protocols outlined by the sanitary authorities. 


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