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At UNPHU have been applied 10,159 vaccines

security and unphu medical student helping elderly

At the Center of Vaccination against COVID-19 of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) 10,159 vaccines have been applied up to date to persons over 70 years old and teachers of MINERD. Yesterday 2,197 persons received the shot. 

Dosage preparation.
Aged man receiving his vaccine.

This Sunday the staff of the Public Health department, last year of Medicine students and volunteers of the university will pause for a deserved rest, who have been working hardly and nonstop since Tuesday February 25. On Saturday the schedule will be the regular one 9:00 to 2:00 p.m. 

The process of vaccination is held on Building IV. The vaccine of application in the first dose is SINOVAC.

UNPHU encouraged who assists to the centers to held with the order, social distancing and  the protocols outlined by the sanitary authorities.


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