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Current Trends in Civil and Commercial Jurisprudence in UNPHU are Discussed

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), and its Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, held the Magistral Chair «Dr. Manuel Bergés Chupani, «Current trends in civil and commercial jurisprudence: Its importance in the substantive and procedural field», by Magister Justiano Montero Montero, judge of the First Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice.

The lecture included the following presentations: The main jurisprudential turns in procedural matters, by Ana Luna Peña; Contractual civil liability and the particular importance of the penal clause principle Non Adimpleti Contractus; Theory of own acts and theory of appearance, by Auri Nova Hidalgo; References and various procedural manifestations in the legal system, by Cristal Fernández Mesa; The regime of proof and its evolution in the Dominican legal system, by Clara Abreu Vásquez; Civil responsibility in matters of consumption and family law in its various manifestations, by Laura Ramírez Paulino; Embargoes and means of execution. Case law on the subject, by Prairie Ruíz Sánchez, and Medical Civil Liability, by Mavelyn Bautista Gómez.

The welcome words were addressed by the Dean of the Faculty, Judge Juan Alfredo Biaggi Lama. Present at the event were Patricia Pérez, director of the Law School and, as guest of honor, Dr. Manuel Bergés Coradín.

The event was held on Wednesday, September 14, 2022, at Sala Max Henríquez Ureña, Buildong 4, and was broadcast on YouTube. You can see it at the following



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