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Ellen Catherine Perez Ducy received the certificate of Distinguished Alumnae at UNPHU.

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) through the Management of Institutional Experience and Alumnae from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences acknowledged as Distinguished Alumnae Ellen Catherine Perez Ducy; for her professional performance as an economic consultant for several organizations at a national and international scale, and her vast experience at the Department of Monetary Programming and Economic Studies at the Dominican Central Bank (BCD). 

Lic. Perez developed an original proposal of public, nonprofit policies titled: “Advanced withdrawn of the Capitalization Accounts at the Management of Retirement Funds for the First Mortgage Investment,” which will lead to modifying the Social Security law for the use of severance funds for the first housing. 

The distinguished graduate is a columnist of the Hoy newspaper and has contributed with papers about themes of social interest, among others, in several national newspapers. She is a professor at prestigious Dominican universities.   

La Lcda. Ellen Catherine Pérez y el Ing. Hernando Pérez Montás

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