Categorías: EN

Minister of Public Health participates in the first regular meeting of ADOFEM in 2024, held at UNPHU

The Dominican Association of Faculties and Schools of Medicine (ADOFEM), will begin 2024, with its regular meeting, to be held on January 18 at the Faculty of Health Sciences of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), with the presence of the Minister of Public Health of the Dominican Republic, Dr. Daniel Rivera, who will present the National Health Plan (PLANDES) 2024-2030.

The meeting will be chaired by ADOFEM President, Dr. Brunel Santos Salazar, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Universidad Católica Nordestana (UCNE), and will be hosted by Dr. William Duke, Dean at UNPHU, accompanied by his team of academics.

The agenda will address issues on medical education and the use of Artificial Intelligence, national and international accreditation, quality in undergraduate and graduate training of teachers, medical residences, the National Council of Medical Recertification (CONAREM) and its importance, which will be discussed by the executive director of Dr. Severo Mercedes. The application of the new rules of the School of Medicine will also be discussed by MESCyT, as a first, of the Pan-Spanish American Dictionary of Medical Terms by Dr. Herbert Stern, ophthalmologist, academic, historian and teacher of Medicine.

The deans and directors of the eleven faculties of Health Sciences belonging to ADOFEM are expected to attend.  


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