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Six UNPHU professors earn doctorate from the Universidad Benito Juárez in Mexico

Six professors of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, obtained the highest academic degree conferred by the universities, the doctorate degree, at the Universidad Benito Juarez of Mexico.

The professors completed the doctorate degree in management developed remotely. They are: Ana Patricia Fernández and Jesús María Guerrero of the School of Business Administration; Isis Rojas, Héctor Lantigua and José Manuel García of the School of Marketing; and Paola Jiménez of the School of Accounting and Auditing.   

This degree represents an advance in the academic training of each teacher and for the university, in which they will be able to apply their knowledge, either in the teaching area, in research or in their professional areas.

In April 2020, the university, with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, signed an agreement with the Universidad Benito Juarez of Mexico to develop the distance doctorate, with the purpose of training professors of the higher education institutions of the country, at the highest level for academic exercise and the acquisition of new knowledge in management administration.  

MESCyT awarded 20 scholarships from the PhD program in Management Administration to train teachers from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at UNPHU.


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