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Technical discussion panel «Approach and nutritional management of gastrointestinal disorders in dogs and cats» at UNPHU

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU), its Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and its Veterinary School, held the technical discussion table «Approach and nutritional management of gastrointestinal disorders in dogs and cats», by Dr. Juste Reynes, veterinary zootechnic.

During the conference, Dr. Reynes spoke about gastrointestinal problems in dogs and cats and indicated that these constitute one of the most important concerns for veterinary practitioners, specifically chronic digestive disorders as difficult to treat, due to the limitations of diagnostic procedures and the multiplicity of possible causes. The activity also addressed the fundamental elements of the gastrointestinal physiology of the dog, including the intestinal microflora and the immune system.

The event was aimed at students at the Veterinary School and was held on June 1, 2023, in classroom 4 of UNPHU building 10.


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