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Trujillo after Trujillo a documentary At UNPHU

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña National (UNPHU), through its Academic Vice Rectory and with the support of the Department of Letters and Philosophy and History and Geography, in coordination with Nuevo Diario, presented the documentary Trujillo after Trujillo, by Juan Delancer, production of End Films. 

Commemorating the anniversary of the May 30 coup, the new documentary presents an analysis of the perniciious influence of authoritarianism in the Dominican society after the execution of dictator Rafael Trujillo, 60 years ago. Prestigious intellectuals, including President Luis Abinader Corona, Roberto Cassá, Juan Daniel Balcácer, Mu Kien Sang, José Miguel Soto Jiménez and Juan Sully Bonnelly, among others, address the issue of the burden left by Trujillismo in the country, as well as the practices derived from that heritage. 

In order for new generations to know the phenomenon of trujillismo, he Nuevo Diario has organized a program of screenings at the national level, where they would be integrating different educational institutions.

The event was attended by the graduates Alberto Garrido, director of the Department of Letters and Philosophy, History and Geography; Juana Guerrero, teacher of the Department of History and Geography; Juan Delancer, writer and journalist of Nuevo Diario, and Laura Pérez, coordinator of the Academic Vice-Rectory.

The presentation of the documentary took place at the Sala Max Henríquez Ureña, on June 6, 2022.


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