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Universities will be the ‘overman’ the purchases and recruiting processes of CEIZTUR

David Collado, the Secretary of Tourism, signed a Memorandum of collaboration with five universities integrating the Universities Net for the Advance of Dominican Education (RUNED), in an event held at Hotel El Embajador. 

SANTO DOMINGO.- The Universities Net for the Advance of Dominican Education (RUNED),  will be the ‘overman’ of the processes of purchase and recruitment of the Executive Committee of Infrastructure of Tourist Zones (CEIZTUR), dependency of the Ministry of Tourism, and will make sure the fulfilment of the Law No. 340-06 about purchases and Public Hiring of Goods, Works, and Grants, its Regulation for Application and of policies and rules issued by the General Direction of Public Recruitment.

This is outlined on the Memorandum of Collaboration subscribed today by the Ministry of Tourism, David Collado, the rectors of Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), Julio Sanchez Mariñez; from Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), Ramón Alfredo de la Cruz Baldera; from Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), Julio Amado Castaños; from Universidad Acción Pro Educación y Cultura (UNAPEC), Franklyn Holguín Haché and from Universidad Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), Miguel Fiallo Calderón, institutions composing RUNED. 

These five universities will develop and implement a strengthening strategy on the process of recruiting and supervision of the works to be developed by CEIZTUR on tourists’ zones. 

Los Rectores durante la firma de acuerdo.
El Arq. Miguel Fiallo Calderón junto a los miembros de la RUNED
Los miembros de la RUNED junto al Ministro del Ministerio de Turismo y la Directora de Ética e Integridad Gubernamental

On an event performed on a hotel of the capital city the Secretary David Collado expressed that this priority is to guarantee the transparency of the Minister during his management. “We have chosen to strongly embrace transparency as a commitment of a new generation facing new activities of the different public institutions, regarding the Ministry of Tourism. For us is as important to make a good management as well as to guarantee transparency”.

On behalf of RUNED Sanchez Mariñez, rector of INTEC, expressed that as soon as the Ministry of Tourism called the universities, all accepted, because one of the main goals of this net is to contribute to the society throughout research and service, at the level of the government and as well as the private sector, guaranteeing the sustainable development of the country in a framework of institutionalization.


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