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UNPHU celebrates the fifth edition of the Week of Scientific Research and Technological Innovation 2022

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), through the Research Directorate, and with the advice of the Vice-Rector of Research Projects, Linkage and Internationalization; held, in a hybrid way, the fifth edition of the Week of Scientific Research and Technological Innovation, UNPHU 2022; this year, with the theme “The future of Dominican scientific research”.

On this occasion, the objective was to touch on topics of interest to students and faculty of the university, promote student and academic participation in research projects, and generate a space for discussion among the different actors in current and future research activity. 

In this edition, students were given a greater participation, with the presentation of posters and with the projects derived from the Research Seeds of the different schools of the university. Students from Salomé Ureña Teacher Training Institute (ISFODOSU), Recinto Emilio Prud’Homme in Santiago, were invited as special guests. It also featured national and international guests who made presentations according to the topics of interest.

The opening words of the event were given by the rector, architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, who indicated the importance of the event, and exppresed that activities like these strengthen the basis of education for which our university community works every day. University research prepares individuals with new skills and knowledge, with an adequate academic background to integrate into a rapidly developing world.

He said that research teaches to think, to understand and to create new information, knowledge and technologies; it is one of the most important resources for solving social, cultural, scientific and human problems. 


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