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UNPHU gives virtual conference Entrepreneurial mentality

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), through the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and its School of Business Administration, gave the virtual lecture «Entrepreneurial mentality » by Celia Soonets, who is a Social Psychologist at the Central University of Venezuela and holds a master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Quebec, Montreal.

The speaker defined the concept of entrepreneurial mentality, which is able to visualize the shortcomings and needs, and proposes innovative solutions to meet those demands; it is a way of thinking or mental configuration. 

Among the topics addressed were: The entrepreneur is born or made; what characterizes the mentality of the entrepreneur; how it can be measured and developed;

She also presented the Entrepreneurial Minset Profile (EMP) measurement tool, which allows to visualize needs and deficiencies. She explained that EMP since 2013 has helped thousands of entrepreneurs and managers to expand their entrepreneurial potential. She also explained the 14 dimensions measured by the EMP, which are divided into: 7 belonging to the personality and 7 to the skills, and indicated how each one works.

The words of welcome were dictated by Magda Betina Espinal, director of the School of Management.

At the end of the presentation, a question and answer session was held. The event was broadcast on the UNPHU YouTube channel. You can see it in the link:


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