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UNPHU held a webinar “Communication for Educators: Effective Communication in Times of Crisis”.

Dra. Juana Morales

The School of Education of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) held the webinar “Communication for Educators: Effective Communication in Times of Crisis”, with the participation of Nicol James, lecturer and strategist of Educative Coaching and author of the book Leadership at the Classroom; as part of the Technical Table of Discussion of the Faculty of Humanities and Education.

Mrs. James during her intervention explained: “The pillars of effective communication on education are three: Take care of the image of the message, the composition of the message is essential and assume the context”. 

Lcda. Nicol James.

The introductory words and the biographical sketch of the lecturer were offered by Doctor Juana Morales, director of the career of Education at UNPHU. 

The activity was held on Tuesday March 4, and can be seen at the UNPHU YouTube channel:


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