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UNPHU held a webinar Trajectories of Sergio Prieto

Arq Sergio Prieto

The School of Interior Design at Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) held the webinar Trajectories of Sergio Prieto, with the participation of Mr. Sergio Prieto, from Dovain Studio. 

The welcome was offered by architect Omar Rancier, dean of the faculty of Architecture and Arts. The reading of the biographical sketch was given by architect Constantinos Saliaris, director of the School of Interior Design. 

Arq. Constantinos Saliaris.
Arq. Alan García.
Arq. Omar Rancier.

Architect Alan García, coordinator of the School of Design was the presenter of the event and held a conversation with Sergio Prieto about his trajectory. The guess explained his process of education up to reach the brand that hi is today. 

The activitiy was held on Wednesday March 24, and can be seen at the YouTube channel of UNPHU at the link: 


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