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UNPHU held the 1st seminar on Action Research in the teaching practice

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU), through the School of Education, held the 1st seminar on Action Research: “The Research action in the teaching practice: importance and perspective.”

The event’s main goal was to reflect on research action in the teaching practice, its importance, and perspectives, promote space, and submit some action research projects for the first cohort of graduates of degrees oriented to high school education at UNPHU. The socialization of the results of the research was also a goal. 

Geisha Carpio, dean of the faculty of Humanities and Education, addressed the welcome. Patricia Matos, the academic vice-rector, attended the event, and Jose Ramon Suriel, director of the School of Education, had the motivation for the event. 

The activity had the presence of representatives of INTEC and Universidad Católica de Santo Domingo. INAFOCAM was represented by Dr. Julia Ubiera, director of the Department of Education and Professional Development, and Ondina Ortega, officer. 

The event was held on March 24 at the Conference Hall in Building 3 at UNPHU. YouTube Channel broadcasted the event, which is available at:


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