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UNPHU holds White Gown ceremony

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), through the Faculty of Health Sciences, celebrated the White Gown ceremony with the participation of 79 students, which symbolizes the completion of the cycle of basic science studies and initiates clinical and surgical practices, which mean direct contact with the patient. 

The purpose of this ceremony is for the student to begin the period of hospital rotations, and to commit to practice his profession with respect, honesty, and trust. The White Gown originated at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine in 1989; but the first full ceremony took place at Columbia University School of Physicians and Surgeons, in 1993. Dr. Arnold. P. Gold, professor, and pediatric neurologist was in charge of it.

Welcoming words were offered by. Dr. Eduardo García, dean, Associate of the Faculty of Health Sciences. Joined the Dean in the delivery of gowns, the coordinator of the clinical cycle.

The words of motivation and encouragement oversaw the Laura A. Pérez, coordinator of academic vice-rectory. Engineer Adrián del Óleo, dean of Student Welfare, addressed the students, motivating them to continue. 

The panel of honor was composed of Eduardo García, associate dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences; Claudia M. Scharf, director of the School of Medicine; Jehison Corporán, academic coordinator; Célida Rivas, pre-boarding coordinator and, on this occasion, as honor teacher, Enrique Jiménez Then. In addition, were also present. Laura A. Pérez.

The students’ speech was given by Angela Hernández, and the reading of the Geneva Declaration was dictated by the coordinator of the clinical cycle.

The activity took place in the Max Henríquez Ureña Room Building 4 of the University. 


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