Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, received the visit of the Licda. María López Polanco, deputy minister of extension of the MESCyT, accompanied by officials Marcos Antonio Mercedes Ramos, Lorenzo Encarnación and Gisell Roedán. 

Rector Arq. Miguel Fiallo Calderón and Josefina Pepín Ubrí, Vice-Chancellor of Research, Linkage and Internationalization Projects, welcomed the visitors. 

The MESCyT’s visitors made a tour of the campus that included the Dental Clinic, Veterinary Clinic, sports facilities, the Center for Operations in Objectively Systematized Medical Simulation (COSMOS), and the National Brain Bank UNPHU (BNC-UNPHU). Subsequently, Vice-Chancellor Josefina Pepín gave a presentation on the outreach and social responsibility activities carried out by the University during the period 2021-2022, and ideas were exchanged on possible collaborations between both institutions.  

The visit culminated with a lunch with the participation of the graduates Presley Nova Ramírez, coordinator of the Sports Directorate; Francisco José García Perdomo, coordinator of linkage; Rubí Bretón, director of the Entrepreneurship Directorate and Dr. José Felipe Guillén Sarita, director of Special Projects of UNPHU.