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UNPHU students win second place in the MESCYT 2023 Higher Education Entrepreneurship competition

Students of the School of Chemical and Industrial Engineering, of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, participated in the Entrepreneurs in Higher Education 2023 competition, organized by the MESCYT, and were winners of second place with the MAJAO’RD venture. 

Students Karla María Pratt, Mónica Aime Aquino Mendoza, José Miguel Adon Collado, Shalomny Montilla Lizardo and Sorany Caba, won a prize of RD$400,000.00 Dominican pesos, to boost their entrepreneurship. The students are part of the MAJAO’RD team, which seeks efficient and effective solutions, taking advantage of the raw material of the soil of the Dominican Republic, such as agricultural waste. This venture aims to help thousands of Dominican households create a product that is environmentally friendly and solves a problem in the fashion industry, such as the tons of waste produced annually.

Through UNPHU Emprende, the MAJAO’RD team had the opportunity to participate in the international regional competition of Hult Prize, held in Mexico Monterrey, last June 23 and 24 of this year, where he was the 6th finalist against 700 teams participating.  

On Entrepreneurial Competition in Higher Education 2023

The competition aims to promote the culture and entrepreneurial mentality in undergraduate students of universities, through pre-incubation, where the winning entrepreneurial teams will have access to seed capital funds for the development of their projects.


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