With the coordination of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCyT), and the Vice-Ministries of Higher Education and Quality and Accreditation, together with the Department of Medical Education led by Dr. Milena Cabrera; all members of the Dominican Association of Medical Schools and Faculties (ADOFEM) were received at the workshop where the action plan for updating the standards for the accreditation evaluation of the Dominican Republic’s Medical Schools was formulated.
During the event, important issues related to future standards, comparability were discussed with the United States Ministry of Education and the National Committee for Medical Education Abroad, as well as all the essential elements to update the regulations and accreditation of the Dominican Republic’s schools of medicine.
The event was chaired by Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology Dr. Franklin García Fermín, who addressed the welcome, while the opening of the workshop was made by teacher Juan Francisco Viloria Santos, vice minister of evaluation and accreditation of higher education.
The workshop was given by international consultant Dr. Juan Martínez Pérez.
This activity was very important for the future of the institutions of the 11 universities that have faculties of Health Sciences and their respective Schools of Medicine, since they will be able to guide within the rules that will be in force from the third quarter of 2023.
The event had a massive attendance and a prominent participation of the president of the Pan American Federation of Medical Schools and Faculties, Dr. Marcos Núñez Cuervo, and Dr. Miguel Robiú, as president of the Dominican Association of Medical Schools and Faculties (ADOFEM). Also present was the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences of UNPHU, Dr. William Duke.
The event was held on November 30, 2022 in the Da Vinci Hall of the Sheraton Hotel in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
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