La Lic. Daniela Franco, la señora Germania Pellerano de Fiallo y el Dr. José Espaillat, durante la entrega del libro al Dr. Zarza
Lic. Daniela Franco, Mrs Germania Pellerano de Fiallo and Dr. José Espaillat, during the book presentation al Dr. Zarza


Conference “The University of Salamanca and the Discovery of America” in the UNPHU

The Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU) and the Corripio Foundation presented the conference “The University of Salamanca and the Discovery of America,” by Doctor Eugenio García Zarza.
Doctor José Rafael Espaillat, Vice Rector for Management and Extension, in his opening remarks stated that “The UNPHU is honored to receive Professor García Zarza, and thanks the Corripio Foundation for its initiative in sharing the vast knowledge and experience of this speaker.”
The background of the speaker was presented by Doctor Jorge Tena Reyes, who listed part of the academic achievements, publications, research, awards, and distinctions granted to the speaker.
The event took place in the Max Henríquez Ureña Hall of the UNPHU´s Santo Domingo campus, with the participation of vice rectors, deans, directors, members of the Corripio Foundation, professors, colleagues, students, and the general public.
Speaker García Zarza holds a bachelor´s degree in geography, and history and art, and a doctorate in geography. He taught geography and history at the National Institute and was assistant professor, tenured professor, and lecturer in geography at the University of Salamanca.
Academically, he has been the Vice Dean and Dean of the School of Geography and History, as well as director of the department of human geography and a member of the Research Commission and director of publications of the University of Salamanca.

El Arq. Omar Rancier, el Lic. Alberto Garrido y el Lic. José Constanzo
Arch. Omar Rancier, Lic. Alberto Garrido and Lic. José Constanzo

El Dr. Jorge Tena Reyes, Dr. Eugenio García Zarza, Dr. José Rafael Espaillat, Licda. Pilar Albiac y el Dr. Francisco Ortega
Dr. Jorge Tena Reyes, Dr. Eugenio García Zarza, Dr. José Rafael Espaillat, Licda. Pilar Albiac and Dr. Francisco Ortega

El Dr. Rogert Espaillat, la Licda. Patricia Pérez y el Lic. Pedro Gálvez.JPG
Dr. Rogert Espaillat,  Licda. Patricia Pérez and Lic. Pedro Gálvez