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UNPHU Holds Forum to Analyze Most Important Challenges of Accessibility in Dominican Republic

La Arq. Heidi De Moya, junto a parte de los participantes


UNPHU Holds Forum to Analyze Most Important Challenges of Accessibility in Dominican Republic

The Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU) was the scene of a forum on the most important challenges to Accessibility and Inclusion in the Dominican Republic.  The event was organized by the social entrepreneurship organization Dominican Access, in collaboration with the Organization of American States (OAS), the Asociación Popular de Ahorros y Préstamos (APAP), and the Universidad Central del Este (UCE).

The objective of this encounter was to promote the architectural design of accessible spaces and the creation of inclusive services to guarantee that people with disabilities can live a full and independent life.

The forum was held in the Max Henríquez Ureña Hall, and addressed an agenda of form fundamental elements:  Architecture and Urban Development; Training and Employment; Transportation; and Leisure and Tourism.



Sr. Celso Marranzini


Part of the speakers


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