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UNPHU Presents Conference on “Egnos and Galileos: The Two Pillars of European Infrastructure”

El Dr. Fabio Herrera, el Sr. Gianluca Grippa y el Dr. Marcio Lisi, junto a autoridades


UNPHU Presents Conference on “Egnos and Galileos: The Two Pillars of European Infrastructure”

The Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU), together with the Delegation of the European Union in the Dominican Republic, presented a conference on “Egnos and Galileos:  The Two Pillars of European Infrastructure,” by Dr. Marco Lisi.

Dr. Lisi is currently Senior Manager in the European Space Agency, in the Navigation Directorate, and is also technical advisor to the Executive Director of the European GNSS Agency (GSA).

He is also a Senior Member of the IEEE (“IEEE”) and the AIAA (“American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics”); a Member of the ION (“Institute of Navigation”).  He is also a Fellow of the British Interplanetary Society and Lifetime Honorary President of the Italian chapter of INCOSE (“International Council of Systems Engineering”) which he founded in 2008.

In addition, he holds five international patents and is the author of over two hundred technical articles in international magazines and conferences.

The event was held in the Max Henríquez Ureña Hall, with the attendance of Dr. Fabio Herrera, First Vice President of FUDPHU; Mr. Gianluca Grippa, Ambassador of the European Union to the Dominican Republic; Engineer Francisco Sanchís, Dean of the School of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources; Licenciada Gertrudis Valdez, Executive Director of FUDPHU; and Engineer Emgelberth Vargas, Academic Director of Graduate Studies.


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