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650 professionals graduated at UNPHU and one Doctorate in Honoris Causa to Dr. Freddy Reyes Perez

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) held its one hundred fifty-eighth Ordinary Graduation, awarding 568 students with grades and 82 at post grades, for a total of 650 graduates.  

During the ceremony, Doctor Freddy Reyes Perez received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa, professor founder of the academy, a pioneer in the history of Asociación Nacional de Ahorros y Prestamos since its foundation on the year 1972, whose trajectory of more than four decades has developed a solid national and international leadership in the field of system of savings and loans.  He is the author of several literary works, diplomatic in South America and Japan, and Honorary Consul in Trinidad & Tobago. At the academic order, he participated in the organization of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU), from which he was dean and representative at local and international levels. IN the social area was declared Meritorious Son of the city of Santo Domingo, receiving the Medal of merit by the Mayorship of the National District. Leonardo Conde, dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, read His bibliographical sketch. 

At the graduation speech, architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, rector at UNPHU, expressed: “The new reality imposing digitalization is reflected in the academia, but also embraces companies developing a diversified offer of goods and services adapted to the new context. With the received education, you will have the capacity to insert yourselves in it”.

“We are privileged witnesses of the speed showed by UNPHU at the migration of presential education to the virtual and how this allowed our students to continue their studies; This saved the academic terms allowing the advantage of the huge potential and the advances of Information technology and Communication; some of them already incorporated to the daily practice.”


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