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At UNPHU they analyze the State’s patrimonial responsibility for improper pretrial detention: «Budget for its configuration in the Dominican Republic»

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), and the Vice-Rectory of Post grade and Continuing Education, held the technical discussion «State Property Responsibility for Improper Pretrial Detention: Budget for its Configuration in the Dominican Republic» Daniel Elías Ortiz, Master in Traffic, Mobility and Road Safety, by University Camilo José Cela, Madrid, Spain, and master’s in administrative law and Public Management by UNPHU.

The activity was aimed at investigating the announced topic and how the budgets in the Dominican Republic should be configured for its effectiveness. The central theme of the conference was the financial responsibility for the functioning of the judicial system, and the three assumptions about the abnormal functioning of the administration, as well as the assumption of financial responsibility for pretrial detention. 

The event was aimed at the student community and was broadcast by the UNPHU YouTube channel. You can see it at the link: 


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