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Dr. William Duke, participates in the Argentine Congress of Medical Education (CAEM 2023)

The dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Dr. Willian Duke, participated in the Argentine Congress of Medical Education (CAEM 2023), which was held on September 20, 21, and 22 in the city of Córdoba Argentina; congress endorsed by the Association of Faculty of Medical Sciences of that country. 

The central theme of the congress was the training in health sciences focused on the person in the hyper technological era; a model of virtuality of hybrid processes and personalized attention, which has caused that the programs of medical schools have some changes, related to personalized medicine.

Dr. Duke moderated a panel on the different models within the curricula of medical schools, which are focusing on the medical future of this century, which implies challenges, especially in the teaching of Primary Care and Health (PHC), and that the student can have an interprofessional role between various careers. 

Translational medicine was also addressed at the congress, which requires centralized attention, in cases where the research sectors come to contribute, laboratories offer the evidence to give quality care.

Currently, Dr. Duke is the co-director of Mesoamerica and the Caribbean of the Pan American Federation of Medical Schools and Faculties.

Dr. Ángel Pellegrino, president of AFACIMERA and its organizing team from Universidad de Córdoba, and Dr. Marcos Núñez, president of the FEPAFEM University, were the hosts. Eleven countries participated in the congress, including Bolivia, Peru, Mexico, Dominican Republic, among others, and with the presence of the deans and teachers of AFACIMERA.


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