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FINDE STEAM students visit UNPHU

Students during the talk

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU), through Academic Vice rectory, Student Wellbeing, and Admissions, received a group of 50 high school students, part of the program FINDE STEAM, a program led by the National Office of Industrial Property (ONAPI) and the Department of Superior Education Science and Technology (MESCyT).  

The students met the AMPERE Project, they experimented the flight with drones and visited different areas of the campus, among them: Operation Center in Objective Systemized Medical Simulation (COSMOS): Unit of Advanced Architecture (UA+); National Brain Bank UNPHU (NNC-UNPHU); the Biology Laboratory; Entrepreneurial Center and UNPHU Emprende. They also received information about careers regarding science, technology, engineering, and mathematics given at UNNPHU. 

Lcda. Cristina Taveras.
Students on the way to the tour.
Drone demo.

Through this program, ONAPI and MESCyT seek to incentivize young people to interest in the careers of Sciences and Technology. 


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