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MIREX Recognizes UNPHU Graduates

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Mirex) celebrated the Award to the Dominican Emigrant Oscar de la Renta, whose top emigrant award of the year 2022 was received by our distinguished graduate Dr. Rubén Peralta Rosario. This is the fourth edition of this award.

Dr. Peralta Rosario, based in Doha, Qatar, has stood out as the first Dominican to lead the medical response in the Formula One race in Abu Dhabi. Also, for participating in the preparation of the Hamad Trauma Center for the World Cup.  In addition, he is the director of the advanced education program in intensive care, emergencies and trauma surgery at Hamad Medical Corporation in Doha, Qatar.

Dr. Peralta Rosario has been exalted to the Academy of Surgery Teachers and Educators of the United States, and his altruistic gifts are reflected in the nonprofit foundation he chairs, which provides services to those most in need “Fundación Casa Rubén”.

As finalist was also our distinguished graduate Dr. Miguel Ángel Villalona Calero, based in the United States, who has dedicated himself to carrying out research to find a cure for cancer.

The prize was presented by the Vice President of the Dominican Republic Raquel Peña, which includes one million pesos, awarded by Banco de Reservas.

UNPHU’s Rector, Miguel Fiallo Calderón; Dr. William Duke, dean of the Faculty of Health and Local Sciences. Claudia Acra, Director of Research were present at the event.

The main objective of this award is to protect and recognize the Dominican and descendants who reside abroad. The event took place on December 22, 2022.

Hashtags #Graduates #Graduates 


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