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New multi-platform dynamic communicator with ARASAC pictograms launched at UNPHU

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), through the School of Education and its bachelor’s degree in Special Education, presented the conference: Pictograms, materials and free software to adapt communication and cognitive accessibility to the person; as well as the new dynamic multiplatform communicator with pictograms of ARASAAC. The lecture was given by Mr. José Manuel Marcos, technical advisor of the Aragonese Center for Augmentative and Alternative Communication ARASAAAC (2007-21).

The government of Aragon, in Spain, chose UNPHU to launch the AsTeRICS Grid, a communication accessibility support tool, which was discussed during the conference. United with the subject of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC): situation, basic concepts, and practical examples. Likewise, the use of the pictograms of ARASAAC was addressed, as a graphic communication system and as a visual support in the field of cognitive accessibility.

In addition, the functionalities of the ARASAAC website ( and the practical application of the new implementations to customize the pictograms, develop and adapt materials were announced, as well as the ARASAAC Open Classroom ( as a source of learning in the field of the CAA.

The AsTeRICS Grid communication tool, its functions, uses, as well as the virtues of the application were also presented.


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