Categorías: EN

President of the Association of Private Educational Institutions (AINEP) visits UNPHU

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU) received the visit of the representatives of the Association of Private Educational Institutions (AINEP), including Mr. Jorge Luis Peláez, president, and Victor Villanueva, executive director. They were received by the rector, Arq. Miguel Fiallo Calderón and the Aldo Erazo, Director of International Relations. 

During the visit, they toured the entire UNPHU campus, appreciating the infrastructure, the vast green areas, and the valuable academic offer to explore possible ways of collaboration between the two institutions.

On Association of Private Educational Institutions (AINEP)

AINEP was founded to represent the private sector of education to the Ministry of Education of the Dominican Republic (MINERD), ensuring compliance with Law 66-97, Law 136-03, and other state regulations, as well as the rights of private educational centers.


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