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Public information on the position of UNPHU on the pronouncements of the President of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader, regarding the crisis in Haiti

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), wishes to express to the public its support for the position expressed clearly and firmly by President Luis Abinader, in his speech of Accountability, and on the Independence Day of our country; specifically, regarding the need for a great national pact that unifies all sectors for the defense and protection of our sovereignty. 

We report that very recently our university has hosted and organized two days of the UNPHU Forum for Social Studies. The first took place on November 22, 2022, and the second on January 19, 2022. In them, representatives of various political and academic sectors and State institutions have expressed in all their diversity, but in harmony, the different visions, and possible measures to be taken in the face of the serious crisis in neighboring Haiti.

We understand that this tone of understanding, in the national interest of all Dominicans, is the only way to reach a consensus in the creation of the national pact proposed by the President of the Republic.

UNPHU responsibly offers its space, academic resources and the recognition and prestige it enjoys at the national and international levels, at the disposal of all those interested in forging the national pact, so necessary to strengthen the safeguarding of our sovereignty and integrity, with respect for human rights, and to guarantee the well-being and progress of our people.


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