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School of Odontology of UNPHU receives the award GRANT PROGRAM

School Of Dentistry National University Pedro Henriquez Ureña

The School of Odontology of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) receives the award GRANT PROGRAM by the company DENTSPLY SIRONA, as a result of the evaluation of the program of pre-grade of Mechanized Endodontics during five years in the teaching and learning. 

The School of Odontology is the only in the country and in the Caribbean achieving the award and part of the selected institutions of Latin America within this wonderful program. 

The GRANT PROGRAM consists of four endodontic last generation engines X-smart Dentsply, ascendant to the amount of US$8, 000 dollars. This equipment will be use within the UNPHU academic programs of Pre -grade and Post- grade.

Ms. Coromoto Calil Dr. Sheila Burdiez and Dr. Rogelio Cordeo together with the faculty of the Endodontics area
Gant Program

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