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Talk about the culture of human rights from higher education at UNPHU

The Faculty of Humanities and Education of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña and its School of Psychology, held the talk on The Culture of Human Rights from Higher Education, which was attended by Dr. Desiree Del Rosario and Ana Teresa Olivo.

During the event the following topics were addressed: human rights, the rights of women, children and adolescents, violence against women, gender equity, employment opportunities and wages that are not equitable; as well as the improvements to be made to the laws that regulate each of these areas.  

Marisol Ivonne Guzmán, director of the school of Psychology; Pat Olga Galán, academic coordinator of the aforementioned school; teachers and students of the area of interest attended to the event.

The activity was aimed at sensitizing participants about public policies and inclusion, and especially to appreciate the different problems presented by the approach to gender relations. It was held on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, in the university’s multi-purpose hall.

Dra. Desiree Del Rosario

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