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The Council Student Board of the School of Medicine at UNPHU participates at the IV Dominican Medicine Students Congress 2021

The Council Student Board of the School of Medicine of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) participated with an informative stand and three educative symposia at the IV of Dominican Medicine Students Congress 2021 (ODEM). 

This important scientific event, unique on its kind, was supported by the institutions composing Medicine Students of the different universities of the country, also the maid Medical Specialized Societies.

The deans and directors of the different schools of medicine at UNPHU, Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) and Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) received awards. 

The activity was addressed to Medicine students and those aspiring to study the career, with the purpose to receive education and updates. Among the subjects approached during the congress are Mental Health and its impact on the student life; Service and commitment with global health; Student wellbeing; Effects of the pandemic on medical education; COVID and medical education and medical profile. 

On Saturday, November 27, the event was held at the Convention Center of Catalonia Hotel, Santo Domingo. 


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