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UNPHU and UAX of Madrid sign an agreement for online official master’s degrees

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), and the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio (UAX), from Madrid Spain, signed an online agreement on official master’s degrees. Both institutions have a framework agreement for collaboration and development in the academic, scientific, and cultural fields, which aims to establish communication channels allowing the exchange of knowledge.

The institutions seek to strengthen their academic and scientific links, in order to promote the dissemination and enrollment in the different official degrees and master’s degrees in the online modality of the UAX; establishing an academic itinerary for graduates, students, employees and the general public. 

The Master’s Degrees subscribed to in the agreement will be offered in Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and United States. The different programs, as well as different modalities of the UAX, will be hosted on the UNPHU website. It covers the following master’s Degrees: Digital Technology and Teaching Skills, Psycho-pedagogy, Cybersecurity, Big Data and Business Analytics, Eating Disorders, Inclusive Education and Diversity, among others of great relevance and impact for the occupational fields. 

They will collaborate to provide necessary documentation and information, to be able to develop, upon agreement, dual degree programs and at the same time, in the future may incorporate new degrees through an addendum to this specific agreement.

For more information, contact the UNPHU Graduate Information Center at 809-547-5151 and 809-547-5252 or


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