Doctor William Duke, dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU), and certified on Paralympic, is the Medical Official Chief of the Dominican Paralympic selection of the XVI Paralympic Games, Tokyo 2020.
The most numerous selection in all history is composed of five athletes and a guide on three sports. Athletics is composed by Dárnelys de la Cruz and Luis Andrés Vásquez; swimming Alejandra Aybar and Patricio López and weights by Juan Manuel Abud.
These athletes have their sports classifications by the type of medical disability in the physical, motor, and mental areas. Doctor Duke is joined by Doctor Eladio Agramonte, president of the Dominican Paralympic Committee (COPADOM); Claudia Perez; official link of COVID-19; Jose Lucio Estevez, physiotherapist; Bienvenido Zorrilla, general secretary of COPADOM and Alberto Almanzar, chief of mission and the trainer of each discipline.
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