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UNPHU and ADME signed an interinstitutional agreement

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU), UNPHU Emprende and Centro MIPYMES UNPHU, and the Dominican Association of Businesswomen (ADME) signed an interinstitutional agreement for the development of the program for Strengthening to Businesswomen. 

The agreement has the object of strengthening the entrepreneurial structures through services and experience of UNPHU through their respective centers.  

At the agreement, UNPHU Emprende will accompany the specialized mentors’ staff for the proposition to national and international contests. The programs with an economic value to pay for the attendants will have a 15% discount for the ADME referral. 

Arch. Miguel Fiallo and Mrs. Denisse Sánchez During the signing of the agreement
El Ing. Juan Rosales el Arq. Miguel Fiallo la Sra. Denisse Sánchez y la Sra. Aida Josefina

A 90% of the cost of the entrepreneurial, finance, technical advising, and entrepreneurial training and the link offered by Centro Mipymes UNPHU. 

During the agreement signed at the rectory of the university attended Architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, rector of UNPHU, and Mrs. Denisse Sánchez, president of ADME. 


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