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The impact of good educational practices on the new generation in UNPHU

Students of the degree in Mathematics and Chemistry oriented to high school education at Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, made the closure of teaching practices with the seminar ‘’The impact of good educational practices in the new generation ‘’. This included a talk show, dramatizations, panel discussions, student experiences with interns, podcast in cutting-edge education, among others; which expressed the knowledge acquired during their initial training as students of excellence.

The academic vice chancellor, Patricia Matos, participated in the panel; Jacqueline Antigua, representative of the associate center; José Ramón Suriel, director of the School of Education and Yesenia Rodríguez, coordinator of the bachelor’s degrees oriented to secondary education. 

The activity aimed to highlight the importance of teaching practices to ensure training in theoretical contents and field practices, thus ensuring that the graduate has the preparation required by the labor market, as well as training of excellent teachers.

The event was held in the Max Henríquez Ureña Room of the 4th building of building 4 at the University. 


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