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UNPHU held a workshop with Counselors of Dominican schools

Through the Admissions Department, Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) held a meeting with the leading counselors of the Dominican schools. 

The goal of the meeting was to strengthen relations with counselors; within the visit, a workshop was developed: “Towards a pedagogy of happiness and well-being,” under the responsibility of psychologist and professor Julio Leonardo Valeiron Ureña. 

Mr. Valeiron is Psychologist and Professor in Social Communitarian Psychology by Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD). Professor in Management and Planning of Education at Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM). Post grade in Methodology of Educative Investigation by British Columbia University, Canada, and Doctor in Education by Nova Southeastern University. 

Particpantes del taller

The welcome of the activity was given by the Admissions Department and the School of Psychology. 

The event was held on Saturday, November 27, at Max Henriquez Urena hall of this university. 


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