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“The right to decide: Article 19, Convention of the rights of persons with Disabilities”, a conference held at UNPHU

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU), and its Faculty of Humanities and Education, in coordination with ADOSIP (Dominican Association of Down Syndrome), held the conference “The right to decide: Article 19, Convention of the rights of persons with Disabilities”, under the responsibility of Dr. Nuria Illán Romeu. 

The speaker is a doctor in Education from the University of Murcia and head professor of the Faculty of Education of the University of Murcia since 1987. More than 150 publications (books, book chapters, papers, and reports of researchers) are all linked to the collective of persons with disabilities and the subjects of inclusive education. 

At the event, she addressed the rights of persons with disability and how these have been introduced to society. It also indicated that Adosip has three years of developing a support service towards an independent life. 

She expressed that the article of the Convention placed the persons with disabilities now in the frame of human rights and are acknowledged. The Convention is the benchmark ruling all habits of life of these persons; they have the right to inclusive education and outlined that they have the right to live their way and with the same opportunities. There have been many years of fights from activists, practices at the government level, research, and studies worldwide. 

She addressed the perspective of Down Syndrome and the negative look towards the problem; even in our days remains a negative approach, the difficulty of acceptance and cultural differences. 

Laura A. Perez, the coordinator of the career of Special Education, gave the welcome.

The UNPHU’s YouTube channel broadcasted the event. It is available at the link: 


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