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UNPHU and Adompretur sing an agreement to strengthen the training in the tourist area

Through this, UNPHU will give a program of courses, diplomates, and workshops created especially for the journalist institution, with the support of the School of Hotel Management. 

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (NPHU) and the Dominican Association of Tourist Press (ADOMPETUR) signed an agreement of collaboration with a validity of two years and national reach. 

During the signature act, the rector Miguel Fiallo Calderón expressed: “Through this agreement, UNPHU will sponsor a program of courses, diplomates, and workshops supported by the School of Hotel Management addressed and created especially for the journalist institution.” 

The University is committed to giving masterclasses at Adopmetur on the subject deemed necessary to strengthen the knowledge of their membership and will put the disposition of its classrooms to convey the masterclasses. 

Yenny Polanco Lovera, president of Adompetur, indicated: “This agreement signature responds to our work plan, committed to providing education to our partners of Santo Domingo and different affiliations.” 

“Adompetur is committed to facilitating two specialists per year to address the masterclasses to their students in the different sides of knowledge of the career of Hotel Management; also, will contribute with the diffusion of the activities of the School at UNPHU.” 

The signature of the agreement was held in the rectory of the University on March four, 2022. 


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