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UNPHU and Dr. Alejandro Baez work on a development program for health for Haití

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) with the Society of Critical Care Medicine ( join efforts in a program for the development of the capacity in health in support of the ONG Partners in Health (PIH), founded by the well-known and recently deceased Dr. Paul Farmer and his College Hospital at Mirebalais, Haiti. 

The program is working in response to an opportunity of funds submitted by the SCCM specifically in support of Haiti facing the needs identified immediately after the earthquake of 2021.

SCCM requested support from Dr. Amado Alejandro Baez, a specialist in emergencies and critical medicine/ intensive therapy expert in humanitarian cooperation; during the earthquake in 2010, he led efforts in Haiti and the Dominican Republic with SCCM, the Dominican estate, and the Pan-American Health Organization (OPS). 

The project seeks to advance the vision of President Luis Abinader, submitted in January 2021, in offering health solutions for Haiti supported by international and non-government organizations.

The exciting part of this project is the use of physicians of the Haitian medical diaspora located in the Dominican Republic and the United States, empowering the Haitians with solutions for Haiti”, indicated Dr. Baez. 

This pilot is expected to generate learned lessons that might be reproduced as solutions for other important areas of health in Haiti and maybe other countries with similar conditions. 


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