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UNPHU and UMH sign an interinstitutional agreement in support of the social and cultural progress

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) and Universidad Miguel Hernandez del Elche (UMH) signed an interinstitutional academic, scientific and cultural agreement, with the purpose to outline actions of collaboration on specific projects, within the environment of their common interests to expand their mutual relations.

Among the commitments assumed by the institutions, was agreed the exchange of undergraduate students, masters and doctorate students to attend to their correspondent level of studies, with acknowledgement of the credits achieved in the other institution. In addition, stablishes the exchange of professors and researchers to strength joined projects and activities of both institutions. 

Arch. Miguel Fiallo Calderón and Dr. Vicente Micol Molina during the signing of the agreement.
El Arq. Miguel Fiallo Calderón Dr. Vicente Micol Molina y la Lcda. Josefina Pepín

During the agreement UNPHU was represented by its rector, Miguel Fiallo Calderon, and by UMH was the vice rector of International Affairs Doctor Vicente Micol Molina. 

Each institution appointed a coordinator of the agreement, who will be the contact person among both institutions, and will be in charge of the follow up and control. UNPHU has Josefina Pepin vice rector of Research, link and Internationalization Projects and UMH with Doctor Joaquin Julian Pastor Perez, professor. 

The signature was on Monday April six, at the Rectory office of the University. 


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