Ing. Dolly Martínez
The Department of Mathematics of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) held the webinar Superior Education and Mathematics” with the participation of Mr. Patricio Ripol, Sidney Delgado, Josías Carrión, Jaime González and the engineer Dolly Martinez, as part of the technical table of Discussion of the Faculty of Humanities and Education and Sciences and Technology.
Among the approached subjects where: Mathematics and development; Quality, Superior Education and Mathematics; Styles of Teaching of Mathematics in the Superior Education Institutions, Modality of Teaching and academic performance in Superior Algebra and Statistics, and Importance of the research culture for professors and students.
The introduction words were offered by Gisel Macías, director of the Department of Mathematics at UNPHU.
The activity was held on Tuesday March 2 and can be seen at the UNPHU YouTube channel at the link.
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