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UNPHU holds a Master’s Chair Dr. María Socorro Perrotta Miraglia: “The research-development of a new natural product: from ethnomedical knowledge to sanitary register”.

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), its Faculty of Health Sciences and the School of Pharmacy, held the second edition of the Master’s Chair Dr. María Socorro Perrotta Miraglia: on this occasion with the subject “The research-development of a new natural product: from ethnomedical knowledge to sanitary register”, by professor, Dr. Alberto J. Núñez Selles, PhD, DrSc.

During the conference he shared the experience of more than 20 years of work on self-medical research, chemical-analytical studies, drug-toxicological evaluation, pharmaceutical development, engineering processes, pilot scaling and the development of clinical trials that have been conducted with the watery extract of the bark of mango tree (Mangifera indica L.).  

He was also presented how these investigations have led to convert the popular knowledge of the practitioners of Natural and Traditional Medicine into industrial products, which have allowed him to reach the sanitary register for the treatment of inflammatory and pain processes, as well as a valuable product with antioxidant properties. On this last aspect, the studies that have allowed comparing the results of the natural extract with the most used antioxidants (vitamins C and E, and beta-carotene) were shown.

Recent studies have focused on the protection that the components of this extract can exert on the oxidative damage to proteins and lipids, essential components of cell membranes. The rigor and publication of the results allows proposing the research methodology to other researchers in natural products for health.

Welcoming words were delivered by Dr. William Duke, dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, while Rayza Almánzar de Mena, director of the School of Pharmacy offered the opening words of the activity.

The event was attended by university officials, family members of Dr. Socorro Perrotta also had special guests, as well as professors and students from the Faculty of Health Sciences.

The event was broadcast on the UNPHU YouTube channel, you can see it at the link:

About the Speaker

Dr. Alberto J. Núñez Selles holds a PhD in Analytical Chemistry from (Czechoslovakia Academy of Sciences, 1985); Doctor of Science (Havana University, 2007). He is a member of the Ibero-American Academy of Pharmacy, Academy of Sciences in Cuba and the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Puerto Rico. He is also a member of the World Council of Science (ICSU), and a member of the Editorial Board of scientific journals in Latin America, the United States and Europe.

He is the author of 16 books and 130 scientific articles, with more than 3,500 quotes from other authors. He has been invited as a Lecturer to scientific events in 30 countries. His biography was included in 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the XX Century and Profiles of Accomplished Leaders (American Biography Institute, USA).


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