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UNPHU holds a technical discussion table: Proposal for the preliminary bill on bullying

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, through its Faculty of Humanities and Education and its School of Education, held the technical discussion table: Proposal of the draft law on bullying, presented by Samuel Sena, president of the Council for Economic and Social Development of Santo Domingo (CODESSD), NGOs, and Julia Muñiz Subervi, legal adviser. 

The different implications of this draft law on harassment were presented, and the importance of it was also discussed, as it is an important issue in the educational context, and the system of relationships that are established in educational environments. The activity was carried out with students of Education and Psychology of the university, considering their experiences in practice, and in the different educational scenarios.

Geisha Carpio, dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education, said “The protection of our children and youth in the educational environment is vitally important. Bullying is a reality we cannot ignore. Every day, many students suffer the scourge of verbal, physical or psychological abuse” and continued: “As a university, we must take an active role in preventing and eradicating this type of harmful behavior; this means establishing clear policies and protocols of action to prevent and address any form of harassment that may occur among our students and teachers”.

The event took place on September 27, 2023, in the Conference Room of Building 3. Present at the university were: Yesenia Rodríguez, coordinator of the bachelor’s degree programs oriented towards high school education; Marisol Ivonne Guzmán, director of the School of Psychology; Samuel Sena, president of CODESD, NGO; Julia Muñiz Subervi, legal adviser; Geisha Carpio, dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education, and José Ramón Suriel, director of the School of Education.


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