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UNPHU invests 148 professionals in different areas

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), at its special graduation, invested 148 new professionals in different areas of knowledge: 131 in degree and 17 in postgraduate.

The graduates are in the fields of Architecture, Veterinary, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Hotel Management, Accounting and Auditing, Law, Chemical Engineering, Systems Engineering, Surveying, Civil Engineering, Education, Special Mention, Clinical Psychology, and Industrial Psychology.

In Postgraduate, master’s in science for Teachers Mention Biology, and Chemical Mention; Master in Project Management; Postgraduate in Construction Administration; as well as Master in Science in Ecology and Environment; in Political Science, Mention of International Relations; in Peripheral Vascular and Endovascular Surgery; in Radiotherapy Oncology; and in Family and Community Medicine. 

Graduate Patricia Matos, vice chancellor of the academy, said: “As you embark on your professions, I encourage you to follow your passions and seek purpose in what you do; find what you are passionate about and that allows you to make a difference in the world. Remember that each of you has unique talents and an invaluable perspective to offer to society. Never forget that success is a joint effort and that there are many people who have contributed to its growth and development.”.

The event was led by the academic vice-chancellor, Patricia Matos, on behalf of the rector, Architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, joined by Dr. Leonor Farray, Vice-Chancellor of Post grade and Continuing Education; Adrián de Oleo, Dean of Student Welfare, Geisha Carpio, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education; Eng. Doris Peña, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology; Dr. Claudia Scharf, representing Dr. William Duke, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences; Architect Constantinos Saliaris, director of the School of Design; and Yolimar Mejías, academic director of the UNPHU Graduate School.

The investiture was celebrated on July 20, 2023, in the Horacio Álvarez Saviñón Auditorium, of the university. And it was broadcast on the UNPHU YouTube channel. You can see it at the following link: 


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