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UNPHU receives a visit from the European Institute Di Design

The School of Design of the Faculty of Architecture and Arts at Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNOHU) received a visit from representatives of the European Institute Di Design (IED), with headquarters in Italy, Spain, and Brazil in the person of Carla Núñez, director for Latin America, Hernán Ordonez, designer, and professor Rafael Diaz Cabral, a representative for the Dominican Republic. 

The rector, Architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, the director of the School of Design, Architect Constantinos Saliaris, and the Director of International Affairs, Aldo Erazo received the representatives.

The designer and professor Hernan Ordonez offered the conference “Design and a Generator of Innovation.” Professor Ordoñez has designed different books, is the founder of the IED at Bilbao and has several years devoted to university teaching. During the conference, the dynamics and importance of design from execution, how to perform from graphic design, and technological design were explained. Also explained how to create and developed different projects for internationally renowned companies and encouraged students to prepare and follow their dreams. 

The activity was held at Max Henriquez Ureña Hall and was addressed to students and professors of the School of Design. Present at the event by UNPHU, Architect Omar Rancier, dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Architect Constantinos Saliaris, Director of the School of Design, and Aldo Erazo, director of International Affairs. 


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