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UNPHU Representative Participates in the 2023 Boston Marathon

Braulio Jiménez, coordinator of Postgraduate Services at UNPHU, participated in the Boston Marathon, an event that brings together millions of people each year in the state capital of Massachusetts, on the third Monday of April (Patriots Day), to complete this legendary 42,195-kilometer event. It has been on the calendar of the most important popular marathons in the world since April 1897.

Mr. Jiménez reached the finish line successfully, being one of the 25,000 athletes who won the demanding long-distance athletic event. With the successful completion of this marathon, he has completed 4 of the 6 marathons that make up the Abbott World Marathon Majors series (Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago, and New York), pending the London and Tokyo marathons.

In this 127th edition, the marathon gathered more than 30,000 runners this year, who have enjoyed these 42K starting from the small town of Hopkinton to the capital, as much as they have cried excitedly and felt through their strides, the steps that have once taken runners like Abebe Bikila, 60 years ago or the first women runners, Kathrine Switzer, and Bobbi Gibb. All these moments and emotions have been etched in the minds of the elite and amateur runners who started the long run. This is how our colleague Braulio Jimenez has lived it. 


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