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UNPHU talks; The 8 fears of the entrepreneur: How to identify and overcome them?

Universidad nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, through its Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and its School of Business Administration, held the talk “The 8 fears of the entrepreneur: How to identify and overcome them?”, Celia Soonets, certified social psychologist in the management and analysis of the Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile (EMP) at Eckerd College, Florida, USA.

Mrrs. Soonets talked about the entrepreneur’s wheel of 8 fears, which is made up of: fear of economic losses, changing rules of the game, competition, operational problems, feeling unable, feeling failed, feeling uncomfortable, and being used. It also offered strategies, techniques, and tools to overcome the issue in question. 

The activity was intended to provide key knowledge and strategies to manage the fears that arise when undertaking a project; and that can paralyze entrepreneurship and prevent reaching success.

Lcda. Celia Soonets, psicóloga social

Magda Betina Espinal, director of the School of Business Administration was present.  This talk, which was addressed to the entire UNPHU community, took place on June 27, 2023, in the Conference Room of Building 3, and was broadcast on the UNPHU YouTube channel. You can see it at the following link:


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