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UNPHU’s Dean of Student Welfare welcomes new students

The Dean of Student Welfare of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), welcomed new students for the period January-April 2024. The meeting explained the processes, regulations, schedules, codes, services, institutional philosophy, the educational model, as well as the benefits offered by the University.

The meeting was led by Patricia Matos, academic vice-chancellor, who offered the welcoming remarks; while Adrián De Oleo, dean of Student Welfare, made known the policies and norms; Laura Veloz, director of Admissions, was in charge of the reception of the students; also participated Hamlet Arias, in charge of the Orientation and Student Life Unit, and explained the origins and history of the institution.

The orientation activity is part of the Deanery Welcome Program and was carried out on January 3, 2024, in the Horacio Álvarez Saviñón Auditorium.


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