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Conference: Planning and Development of Airports in the UNPHU

Conference: Planning and Development of Airports in the UNPHU


Piloto Soledad Pérez, Lcda. Francia Peña, Arq. José Mella, Arq. Eugenio Pérez Montás, Arq. Omar Rancier, Lcda. Leonor Coco, y el Lc. Pedro Cabrera


The Office for Coordination of Air and Space Projects (PRAE) of the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU) gave a Conference on the Planning and Development of Airports, presented by Architect José Mella Febles.

Architect José Mella Febles is a graduate (Cum Laude) in Architecture from the UNPHU.  He is a Consultant for Latin America for the IATA programs of Airport Planning.  He is a professor of Design at the UNPHU, is co-owner of the architectural firm of Mella Mondesert, and is the winner of the Biennial Prize for Architecture of the Dominican Republic.

He is the author of multiple projects, including apartment and office buildings, commercial centers, hotels, religious centers, office interiors, and the planning of airports, housing developments, and single-family residences.

He is the head of the Planning Department of the National Housing Bank, and worked in Madrid in the firm of Estudio de Arquitectos AC.  He holds a graduate degree in planning from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.  He also received the prize for the highest academic index of his graduating class, granted by the Pedro Henríquez Ureña Dominican University Foundation.

During this event, the welcoming remarks and introduction of the speaker were given by Architect Omar Rancier, dean of the School of Architecture and the Arts.

This activity was held in the Conference Hall, and was attended by deans, directors, professors, students, and the general public linked to the airport sector.


Arq. José Mella

Arq. Omar Rancier

Público en general


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